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Volume Control

by Qudelix Incoporated 04 May 2020 4 Comments
Volume Control

2-way Associative Absolute Control

Qudelix's proprietary 2-way associative absolute control provides optimal sound quality at any source or device volume level. With this scheme, the source device always delivers the audio stream at the maximum precision as the original.

You can control volume in whatever comfortable way, either with smartphone buttons or Qudelix-5K buttons, without any sound quality loss. It always keeps and guarantees the best sound quality over Bluetooth or USB.



  • Smartphone, PC/Laptop volume control
    • Remotely adjusts the 5K built-in Volume Controller
    • Coarse Control
  • 5K Device Volume Control
    • 0.5dB step Fine Control
  • Any smartphone's or 5K's volume setting provides the best sound quality while keeping the best audio precision.



Android ABS Volume

Android provides an option for the Bluetooth absolute volume, named 'Disable absolute volume.' As in the screenshot below, it should be off.


How to check if the ABS volume is working

When you adjust the source volume (i.e., smartphone or pc volume), the source device sends the volume command to the 5K. And the 5K will blink the Blue LED once it receives the volume command. If the ABS volume is off, the source scales down the PCM audio and sends no command to the 5K. Thus the 5K Blue LED will not blink. To confirm the ABS volume is working, check if the 5K Blue LED blinks upon the source device volume adjustment.

*Android USB Audio doesn't support Absolute Volume Control. Windows/MacOS/Linux/iOS USB and iOS/Android/Windows/MacOS Bluetooth all support Absolute Volume Control.


Volume Max Limit

The 5K provides a higher output power than other portable audio devices. However, an accidental volume up may damage your ear and IEMs. Therefore, for high-sensitivity IEMs, we strongly recommend limiting the device volume. (The app, Volume, Option, Max Limit) 

*Unlike PC USB and iOS USB(over Camera Kit), Android USB Audio doesn't support Absolute Volume Control. The Android Source Volume scales down the PCM sample as the volume decreases. Thus, you must keep the source volume at maximum for the best sound quality with Android USB Audio. And for the above reason, the Volume Protection may not work as intended when switching audio between Android USB and Bluetooth. 

*The 5K Volume(+) button gets disabled when there is no audio streaming to prevent sudden and accidental volume changes.


Volume & Input RMS

The Level RMS will display the instantaneous average of the incoming audio every 1 second. The level will change continuously as a music track goes on. Or, if you play a static test tone or noise with a constant level, they will keep displaying a certain level.

Monitoring the incoming RMS level at the 5K is one way to check if Absolute Volume Control is working. Without the ABS volume control, the RMS level will decrease as the source device volume decreases.



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19 Feb 2025 ZAIKAL Sahar
Very nice .
20 Dec 2023 Richard

I had to disable/enable Bluetooth on my android after changing the absolute volume for it to apply.

10 Nov 2023 humansritual

What are the red coloured columns (bars) either side of the volume sliders, what to they represent?

09 Nov 2023 Andrew

What to do if the rms level still goes down after absolute volume is on

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